Thursday, September 25, 2008

Barista Shout-out (9/25/08)

To everyone everywhere.....please do not use phrases like, "I want....." or "gimme.....". I know your mother taught you better manners than that. Instead, replace those phrases with nice ones such as, "I would like.....", or "may I please have.....". Your mother would be so proud.

Also, when someone greets you in the way their mother taught them with, "how are you today?" or "may I help you?", please respond accordingly with "I'm well, thank you for asking." Do not skip directly to the phrases mentioned above. That's just rude and your mother would NOT be proud.


At 2:13 PM, Blogger Allie, Dearest said...

Agh. I'm totally guilty of the second part. :(

Sometimes I'm confused and I get up to the front of the line and it's like a crazy madhouse and then the person says, "Hi, how are you doing today?" And I'm thinking, "Nobody behind me gives a care, and right now we're all on good terms, but if I start telling you about my day, I'm going to in front of a firing squad of evil eye guns."

I usually pause, look at them suspiciously and say, "Umm..Great. Can I have a grande drip coffee with six pumps of vanilla in a venti cup?"

I need more courtesy.


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